More and more agencies are replacing their adverting properties from static to dynamic LED displays because as of now motion content is more appealing and attractive in comparison to static ads. As an advertiser, you must be ready for this battle with updated technologies and more advertising properties. If you want to beat your competitors in business and want to grab more market cap, it’s possible only with Led Display Screens.
If you are planning to buy an LED display for an advertising purpose, here are some of the most common questions to ask before purchasing your new LED screens.
1. Where are you planning to install your Led display?
This is perhaps one of the single most important questions to ask yourself, as the response will effectively answer a whole lot of smaller, equally important questions too. For example, will the screen be indoors, or outdoors? That’s going to affect the level of resistance it will need to have against inclement weather such as heavy rain, and possibly against other factors such as sea spray.
Once you’ve worked out the location for your LED advertising display, you’ll next need to think about exactly how high off the ground it will need to be, which will affect the ideal viewing distance for onlookers. The answers to all these questions will then help you make a firm decision on exactly how big or small your screen will need to be, and what pixel pitch will be appropriate for the level of detail you want to convey.
2. What purpose will your Led display serve?
This is another equally important question. On a very basic level, the answer is simple: the purpose of your LED signage is to display your content to viewers. But what you’ve got to consider is: what’s the nature of that content?
Are you simply looking for an LED advertising board to promote your product, service, or event? Or are you using it to provide them with useful information, like times, dates or schedules? Perhaps you’re planning on using it to entertain or to tell them more about their surroundings, or build stronger relationships with your customers by introducing them to your team or core values. You don’t have to narrow your options to just a single one of these, but the more specific you can be, the easier it will be to narrow down your choices with regards to exactly what screen you need.
3. How Bright Will it Get?
One of the most beneficial aspects of LED lights is that they can be fully customized. The technology used within them allows the lights to be significantly brighter than traditional incandescent bulbs. This is a great benefit to using LED lights, especially for these kinds of display purposes.
Most companies will have a projection for how bright the display will be and in turn from how far away it can be seen. This is an especially important factor to consider when your LED display is an advertising sign. You want to be sure that your advertising will be visible to the surrounding high traffic areas. Since you can customize the brightness, you should be able to achieve the look you’re going for in most display options.
4. Who are you planning to target with LED advertising displays?
If you’re planning on targeting your content to sports fans, one of the best options will be an outdoor screen with a larger pixel pitch, installed inside (or in close proximity to) sports stadiums.
If you’re targeting business people or commuters, on the other hand, it’s worth considering installing your digital advertising display in a major transit hub, like a train or bus station. You’ll also need to think about what your target audience is likely to be doing when they see your display, and how much time they’ll have. LED displays in museums can afford to be smaller and much more detailed, as audiences will be wandering around the space at their leisure. Commuters on the other hand are much more likely in a hurry when they see your display, so you’ll need to keep your content short, sharp, and eye-catching. In fact, speaking of content, it’s also worth asking…
5. What type of content are you planning to display?
All your decisions so far will inform your answer to this question. Once you know where your screen is going, what you’re using it for, and who you’re targeting, the next logical question is to think about exactly how you’re going to reach them. If they might be willing to slow down or stop for a video feed – or if it’s specifically your content they’ve come to see – then HD or 4K video might be an idea.
If they’re on the move to a set destination on the other hand, such as their next train or bus, then they’ll find a lot of value in concise, informative content like departure times and schedules, and content like LED tickers for rolling news or imminent events. If your target audience is out shopping, on the other hand, you can afford to be a little more experimental and playful with your content, as they’ll be even more open to new experiences. (In fact, we’ve got quite a few specific suggestions on the best ways to get the most out of your digital and retail signage!)
6. Where are the serviceability points?
The best designs allow for full access from the front, so tiles can be replaced and electronics can be repaired without deconstructing your installation. Most products will also require rear access for certain components. It’s important that you understand which components can be accessed, and from which side of the tile. The best products allow individual tiles to be replaced from the front of the LED video wall, without having to remove the entire cabinet, dramatically reducing service time and operational costs.
In The End
So, that’s all the important questions covered. But if you need any more help, that’s exactly what we’re here for at OneDisplay. Our Led displays are used across a wide array of sectors, giving us a great breadth and depth of expertise – so whatever queries you need addressing, you can trust us to have the answers! Feel free to email us at